Just finished a German lesson tonight.
Du bist ein wunderbar Künstler.
Just finished a German lesson tonight.
Du bist ein wunderbar Künstler.
This why I didn't get into cooking. Someone warned me to make sure I get into something I could apply for as a career, or at least opens opportunities.
Or as they put it "If you make a job out of your hobby, it's going to eventually become a job."
That's not to say anything against those who do (look what and whom I'm posting this under), but make sure you can actually see yourself doing something as work, not just for fun.
What platform did you use to make this?
Jester: Mayhaps we may livin this up with a song. I'll start. 'Oh Danny Boy...'
Knight: "If the pipes start calling, your going for a swim."
Why does she keep reminding me of a character from a show I watched as a kid..."Dragon Tales," I think it was.
Anyway, nice work again. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Perchance, have you ever considered starting your own cartoon series or mini-series?
Cute. Curious, what's in the vial?
Nice job. Looks a bit like an old promotional poster.
Nice Job.
I'm trying to work on a fantasy map of my own. What did you use to make this?
Thank ya!
It’s called the “pour” method, ya get some beans/rice/cereal and dump it on ya paper and mold it around in a shape that ya like. If ya want a bit more clearer way to do it I recommend going on YouTube and search up “how to draw a fantasy map” from a guy called WASD20, it gave me some help
Ya know, your saying this...but it's kind of hard to take you seriously when your standing next to the girl you essentially adopted and raised.
Kinda puts a chink in the "I don't care about anyone" thing your going with.
I pity this lady if she were ever to meet Sanguinius from 40k.
A refugee from the decline of Kongregate.
Big fan of strategy games.
Like writing, especially ghost stories.
Experimenting with simple pixel art/animation and 8bit music. Nothing major yet.
Evil Mars Overlord
Berkendorf's College of Evil
Olympus Mons
Joined on 6/11/21